OMM can help release the tension in muscles and fascia that contributes to pain. By having a thorough evaluation, Dr. Badawy can identify the problem areas that need to be released for relief.
By identifying dysfunctions, OMMc can help create a balance in the body and improve lymphatic flow and circulation.
Our nervous systems can be on overdrive from time to time. OMM can help balance the sympathetic nervous system and create harmony in the body.
If you suffer from frequent headaches, OMM can help identify restrictions in the body. Treatment will help resolve those dysfunctions and lessen the amount of painkillers needed.
Helping open the diaphragm and rib restrictions can help breathing and may lessen the amount of medications needed.
OMM is for everyone. It helps create a balance in the systems of the body and improve overall blood flow. It is a natural way of restoring the body to its baseline.